Returns & Exchanges

Returns & Exchanges

Since each order is individually tailored, they cannot be returned or exchanged but we happily accept alteration if any.


Our store policy does not allow refunds for products that have been delivered in perfect condition. However, if you receive damaged product, please email us on or whatsapp us on +91-9152441101 to report the issue. Once the issue has been recorded, we will inform you of the next steps. We will either provide a free replacement of the damaged product, issue a store credit for the same value, or initiate a full refund for the damaged product.

Note: Handcrafted products may have slight irregularities in motifs, texture, and color, but these variations actually add character to the product. It's important to keep in mind that handcrafted products are not mass-manufactured like chemically dyed or digitally printed products; they are made in batches. Therefore, it's natural to have slight variations in color, shade, and motif in each batch due to the involvement of humans in the crafting process.



For a period of 6 months, we extend the service of minor alteration to all orders within India, and for all international orders, this service is available for up to 18 months.
In case of urgent alterations, the recipient is responsible for the shipping costs incurred for sending the item back and forth, be it international order or a domestic one.
NOTE: One order is open to alteration only once.